Thursday 14 January 2016

2 Title Sequences Analysis

'Catch Me If You Can' (2002) - Directed by Steven Speilberg:

The title sequence for 2002's 'Catch Me If You Can' begins the conventional way with the introduction of the production company, which begins first before the title sequence. It begins with 'DreamWorks Pictures' and then underneath says 'Presents'. Interestingly, the DreamWorks Pictures font is very blocky, bold and is a sanserif font. This indicates that this movie is going to be fun, nice and friendly. The 'Presents' underneath is a serif font which looks old fashioned, higher class and formal. Furthermore, the writing interestingly looks like a typewriter, which relates to the time period in which the movie is set. The inclusion of 'A Steven Speilberg film' relates to the star power of the director as he is displayed at the beginning and at the end of the sequence.

The writing for this title sequence remains very simple and classy. However, throughout there are lines which look aesthetically appeasing to the viewer. This also makes the sequence more engaging and interesting. The soundtrack at the beginning of the sequence starts off slow paced but, sounds as if it were the theme song for an espionage/spy movie. There is a scene where jazz music is played and then the original espionage-like soundtrack returns in a more quicker pace.

The purpose of this title sequence is to demonstrate and display key scenes that takes place within the film. It doesn't give the plot of the film away but gives hints and clues as to what is about to take place.

'Forrest Gump' (1994) - Directed by Robert Zemeckis

The title sequence for 1994's 'Forrest Gump' begins with the logo for the production company 'Paramount' before the actual title sequence began. The title sequence opens with the perspective of a feather falling from the sky and heading towards the main protagonist of the movie, played by Tom Hanks. Interestingly, the title sequence only displays the cast members and the essential crew members. However, towards the end, there is no introduction to the main title of the movie, which is unconventional of a title sequence.

The fonts used throughout the title sequence is very simple and elegant, with an old fashioned feel due to the fact that the typography isn't very challenging and very plain. In my opinion, I feel as though this title sequence is very traditional due to the fact that - unlike the previous title sequence for 'Catch Me If You Can' - it is very simple with no gimmicks of CGI/graphics. Instead it is very plain and old school. Through the sequence, you get to have an insight into the setting and environment in which the movie is set in.

The purpose of this title sequence is to introduce the audience in a simple and traditional manner to the environment and scenery in which the movie is set. It introduces the audience to the necessary cast members and the necessary crew behind the movie. The audience also gets to see the main protagonist briefly towards the end of title sequence, again giving the audience a brief insight in to the main character of this film.

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